Practices, Traditions and Material life of Musahar Community in Middle Gangetic Plain, UP and Bihar, supported by Ministry of Culture, Government of India (2015-2016).
Institutionalising Entrepreneurship through women cooperative society: From Supply Chain to Value Chain, supported by Canada International Development Agency, India (2013-2014).
Perspectives on Culture, Development and Identity: The Musahars of the Middle-Gangetic Plain, supported by Ministry of Culture, Government of India (2011-2012).
Adivasi Art-Craft: A Culture of Ecology in Chhattisgarh, supported by Ministry of Culture, Government of India (2013- 2014).
Promoting Social Entrepreneurship through Pig Rearing among the Musahar Community especially Women in Gaya District, Bihar, supported by Canada International Development Agency, India (2011-2012).
Promoting Social Entrepreneurship through Pig-rearing among Musahar Community especially Women in Gaya District, Bihar, supported by Canada International Development Agency, India (2009-11).
Research and Documentation on Contesting Identities, Caste and Power: Reshma- ChuharmalNautanki, a Dalit Folk Theatre in Bihar, supported by India Foundation for the Arts, India (2008-09).
Rohi Rang (colours of the desert): A Sufi music performance by a group of Mir singers from Pugal, Western Rajasthan, supported by Deshkal Society (2004).
Research, Documentation and Promotion of the Culture, Language and History of the Musahar Community in Bihar, supported by Ford Foundation, India (2002-2005).
Travelling Film South Asia: A Film Festival of South Asian Documentaries, supported by Heinrich Boll Stiftung, India (2002).
Documentation of Folklores in the Himalayan Regions of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, supported by Ministry of Culture, Government of India (2001-03).